Looking for ways to differentiate your loyalty program from the sea of other loyalty programs? Emotional connection may be just the solution you need and the key to taking your customer-brand relationship to another level.
The e-book was prepared by Comarch loyalty experts and features insights from CEOs, marketing specialists, and researchers from major French institutes and world-renowned brands, such as Guerlain. With years of experience and expertise in the marketing realm, they share their thoughts on the industry's state and the best tips for building emotional loyalty.
It is said that for a couple to last, they must continue surprising the other, in order to keep the flame alive. Why shouldn’t brands apply the same principle? Surprise me, don’t tell me everything right away. It’s my birthday, why do you tell me in advance what I am going to receive? Instead, adapt my gift to the relationship we have. Don’t tell me all my benefits right away, distill them instead, and above all, make them suitable for me."