The third Airline Information Networking Cocktail with Comarch titled SoLoMo: Engaging Travellers with Social, Local & Mobile will take place on Thursday, June 13th, 2013 at Hyatt Coral Gables in Miami, FL. This complimentary after–work event will offer networking with dozens of decision- makers from the loyalty, travel, airline and financial services industries. Our guests will have an opportunity to attend several short presentations discussing the latest trends in loyalty marketing and enjoy free drinks and canapés.

Starting at 4pm, Comarch and Airline Information will be hosting a Pre-Event Discussion Group on loyalty program development in the Mobile Space. This small roundtable will give the participants an opportunity to discuss in a closed door session challenges, developments and trends in mobile engagement & loyalty.

The networking event is scheduled to start shortly after the roundtable meeting. Darius Ner, President of Comarch Inc. will deliver the opening remarks; he will be followed by Marcin Kosciak, Vice President, CRM & Marketing at Comarch, with his keynote speech on Mobile Engagement and keeping your customers engaged in a mobile world. The speaking session will be wrapped up by the discussion panel on the SoLoMo traveler engagement.

Just like the last time the evening will be finalized with a charity raffle benefiting “Kids First Found”, a foundation that helps disadvantaged children around the world. The participants can now register online here >>


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