On May 20th in the Hotel Country Club in Lima, Peru, Comarch will participate and sponsor the Peru Edition of Community of Business Intelligence´s event: Analytical Strategies of Client Management.  The format will take place as a breakfast with various speakers from the Business Intelligence community, including Alexandra Whilar, Business Intelligence Manager from Citibank Peru as well as Jorge Uribe, the Regional Manager of Comarch Latin America. 

The event will explore both the increase in competition in the banking and retail industry as well as the saturation of communication channels, in effect promoting the development of initiatives that permit the improvement of the selection and optimization of a business’s ability to connect with the customer. As a result, there has been special attention made to the dynamic data that influences business objectives and can ultimately add tremendous value to the strategic management of a business´s relationship with the client.

For further information about the event, please contact Sidney Dunn, Consulting Director of CRM & Marketing for Latin America, sidney.dunn@comarch.com.

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