Loyalty Summit CXM

The Loyalty Renaissance was this year’s Loyalty Summit CXM theme in Los Angeles, CA. This two-day event was fraught with future-forward discussions, immersive workshops, and keynote sessions on the rebirth of customer loyalty. Comarch was both a Platinum Sponsor and a VIP Networking Sponsor

The event focused heavily on five unique tracks

1.       Moving loyalty into the C-Suite 

2.       The importance of brand in building loyal relationships 

3.       How technology will fuel the loyalty renaissance

4.       Reducing friction in customer relationships 

5.       The coming renaissance in card partnerships 

As a leader in loyalty software and management, Comarch was heavily engaged in networking and thought-leadership conversations throughout the event. Our very own Christopher Sandstrom participated in an engaging roundtable discussion on loyalty trends, emerging technology, and innovation – led by co-founder and partner of Ascendant Loyalty, David Slavick. 

We’re glad that our loyalty team was able to participate in such a successful event, making valuable connections and linking with industry-leading brands to discover what’s in store for 2024. 

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