We are proud to announce that Comarch will take part in the 4th Customer Loyalty & FMCG Sales Support Summit in Russia. The conference will take place on29-30 November 2012 at the Moscow hotel complex, Holiday Inn Lesnaya.

The event is the most important strategic meeting of the year for loyalty system practitioners and the sales sector. The Customer Loyalty & FMCG Sales Support Summit is a place for professionals to discuss new loyalty program trends and strategies for the development of FMCG sales.

On the first day of the conference, Comarch will be represented by Bartosz Demczuk, Consulting Director, in a session called Customer Loyalty focusing on new trends to increase customer loyalty and the development of loyalty programs. In his speech 'The value of our clients' databases vs. ROI' our lead specialist will speak about increasing loyalty efficiency through segmentation. It should be noted that Comarch is also a Silver Sponsor of the conference.

The summit's schedule also includes another parallel session – FMCG Sales Support, where FMCG market leaders will talk about modern strategies concerning sales support and how to build brand relationships with consumers.

See you soon in Moscow!

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