Enterprise Holdings and Comarch Discuss the Customer Experience & Loyalty

Comarch, today released a new episode of its vodcast, Coffee with Comarch Loyalty, featuring Patsy Rey, who has spent nearly 30 years fostering customer loyalty at Enterprise Holdings.

In this episode, Comarch’s Head of Loyalty Strategy Consulting, Bindu Gupta, interviews Patsy Rey, Loyalty Marketing Director at Enterprise.

Rey discusses the difficulties Enterprise faced as a result of COVID-19 and how the brand changed its strategy to focus more on the customer’s needs. “It was fantastic to see how we and so many other companies in a variety of industries were able to pivot and shift to adapt to the conditions that were out there,” said Patsy. “Brands really did embrace a new strategy and put the customer at the center of everything they were doing.”

Tune in as Gupta and Rey discuss the resurgence of the road trip, communicating with customers, and “future-proofing” loyalty programs. 

Watch episode 2 on-demand now:

Subscribe now to stay updated as new episodes are released! Episode 3 will be released in June, and will feature an executive from ExxonMobil.

Read the full press release here.

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