Digital AgeToday Comarch released details for its upcoming networking event organized together with Airline Information, titled “Engaging Customers in the Digital Age”. The event will be held on Thursday, September 26th 2013 in Atlanta, GA. It is a complementary after –work gathering that goes beyond the travel industry and encourages business participants from all vertical industries: retail, financial services, entertainment, hospitality, healthcare as well as telecoms.

All the attendees will enjoy networking, drinks and canapés at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Atlanta in lovely Buckhead, while discussing how the digital revolution is revolutionizing customer engagement. The networking event starts at 6pm and is preceded by the Roundtable Discussion Group on customer engagement in the mobile space. This small roundtable starts at 4pm and will allow participants to discuss with their peers in a closed door session the latest challenges, developments and trends in the mobile space.

The networking session will start with the welcome remarks from Christopher Staab, Managing Partner at Airline Information. Marcin Kosciak, VP, CRM and Marketing at Comarch will follow with his speech on mobile engagement and will discuss the strategies for keeping the customers happy and engaged in the mobile setting. The participants will also have an opportunity to listen to the panel discussion titled “What is digital engagement?” as well as short lecture on developing a profitable social, local and mobile strategy.

Comarch and Airline Information invite guests to register online here

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