Improving knowledge concerning your business and clients, and their behavior, is a challenge that every organization must face. However, workers lose about 25% of their time searching for data and other information they require. Not having access to current and accurate data or having data presented in unsuitable formats can lead to strategic mistakes and lost customers and revenue. As explained in the video, Comarch Smart Analytics focuses on rapidly providing decision makers with the required knowledge and recommendations.

In the era of Big Data, IT analytical tools have become a necessary instrument for companies to receive answers on “why” things happen and “what could” happen. For example, our CSA platform makes it possible to identify the causes underlying unfavorable business aspects – such as, for instance, increased client churn or fewer purchases made by wealthier clients. It can also simulate consumer behavior and indicate which segments a company should focus its attention on and specifies the most appropriate way of reaching particular target audiences. Comarch CSA provides a coherent picture of responses to actions taken, and the future behavior of clients can also be forecasted.

As presented in the video, the management of large volumes of data is now done quickly, easily and efficiently. Analyses such as: RFM, clusters, scoring, basket analysis, CLV and churn figures will become a standard part of the daily operations of managers making their work much easier and turnovers much higher with less work!

To watch the video, click here >>

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