On the 14th-15th of April, 2011, the next edition of the Poland & CEE Customer Loyalty Summit will take place in Cracow. This is the biggest annual meeting of representatives from the loyalty industry in Poland. Representatives from Comarch will be among the experts from Poland and abroad.

This is one of the few events in Poland, during which specialist working with loyalty solutions have an opportunity to meet together and exchange knowledge and experience. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the future of solutions and methods for developing relationships with customers, among other things.

For many years, Comarch has been offering its loyalty solutions to many types of industries, both in Poland and abroad. During the Poland & CEE Customer Loyalty Summit, Comarch specialist (Tomasz Dudek, a Loyalty Solution Product Manager) will deliver a presentation entitled, "Know more than the competition - This is how to gain data in a loyalty program".

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