On June 3rd at Hotel Radison in Santiago, Comarch will participate and sponsor in the Chilean edition of the Business Intelligence Community Seminar: CRM Analytics: Optimizing Data and Aligning Priorities.  This event will be in a breakfast format with various speakers from the Business Intelligence community in Chile, including Eric Barria Reyes, Business Intellgience Manager at Banco BICE, as well as Jorge Uribe, Regional Manager at Comarch Latin America.

The event will explore the growing importance of technical analytics and methods in CRM which have resulted in a great challenge for organizations, particularly when changes in the processes and internal structure are required.  Furthermore, forever evolving market conditions have created ongoing challenges which can often be minimized through a robust set of analytics from a versatile CRM system. 

For more information regarding this event, please contact Sidney Dunn, director of consulting for CRM & Marketing in Latin America, sidney.dunn@comarch.com.

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