Comarch Partnering with The Blind Loyalty Trust: Restoring Sight and Changing Lives

Comarch is proud to support The Blind Loyalty Trust, a charitable organization founded by loyalty program expert Amanda Cromhout, author of the acclaimed book Blind Loyalty: 101 Loyalty Concepts Radically Simplified.

Amanda and The Blind Loyalty Trust

Amanda's dedication to simplifying the complexities of loyalty extends to her philanthropic work. The Blind Loyalty Trust offers hope and a brighter future to underprivileged patients by providing life-changing corneal transplant surgeries.

Driven by her personal experience with sight loss, Amanda established the Trust alongside the publication of her book. 

“Being sight-impaired has been the biggest life adjustment I have faced in 53 years, let alone the three months of terrifying pain in 2022. If we can change the life of just one patient, this has all been worth it!" Amanda Cromhout

Comarch's Contribution to The Blind Loyalty Trust

Comarch has emerged as a strong supporter of The Blind Loyalty Trust. During a Truth event, we provided Blind Loyalty books for all attendees, supporting the Trust. Our contribution has played a vital role in helping the Trust raise over $50,000 to date, funding essential eye care for those who need it most.

See how Comarch's partnership is bringing the gift of sight to those in need. Watch the video to learn more now!

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