How to create an attractive loyalty programme, how to gain a competitive advantage using force sales applications and what benefits ensures a platform for electronic document management? These were just some of the issues which were discussed during “Turkey Workshop 2015”, organized by the Comarch CRM, SFA and ECM Business Units in cooperation with Comarch Turkey for the local and international companies which run business in Turkey from the FMCG, telecommunications and finance sector.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of Telecom, Shell, Ferrero, Pepsico, Subway, Kraft Foods, Danone, Nestle Waters, as well as Unilever Turkey and Turkish Airlines. The workshop was run in local language by the Comarch’s team members in Turkey.

The main goal of “Turkey Workshop 2015” was a presentation of a broad portfolio of solutions and services, mainly to support customer loyalty solutions and applications in the mobile channel. During the meeting, the representatives of Comarch Turkey presented several case studies of implementations carried out by Comarch around the world. In addition, the participants had the opportunity to test the capabilities of mobile applications “Workshop Comarch Turkey”, prepared by Comarch Technology specially for this year's event. The software enables to plan a daily schedule, check the presentations time and place etc.

Comarch has been presented in Turkey since 2005. Together with Bizofis, partner company provides electronic data interchange (EDI) services. So far Comarch completed successfully in Turkey several projects, e.g.: Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmith and the Metro Group.

The workshop was held in Koc Pera University building in Istambul at 9th of June.

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