Comarch Loyalty Management has been updatedComarch Loyalty Management has been updated. New version has been released on 31/03/2017. Find the key features of the version 5.3.

Benefits for actions on social media
Integration with the Comarch Social Mining (CSM) in the area of social events management. The CLM gathers information from the CSM loyalty customer’s social actions (Facebook posts, likes, comments, statements, Tweets with statement) and grants loyalty benefits to customers who perform those activities.

Cashier incentive mechanism
Allows promoting cashier incentive for inviting new customers to join the loyalty program and for activities of already enrolled customers.

IOU coupons
Enables point accrual for a purchase in case of a forgotten loyalty card. In a situation when a loyalty customer forgot his/her loyalty card, a cashier can generate the customer a IOU coupon which when used by the customer with next transaction accrues points for the previous purchase that is related with the IOU coupon.

Manual handling of airline accrual and retro requests
Makes it possible to back office agents to manually handle rejected airline accrual transactions and retro requests provided by FFP partners.

Single Sign On for back office applications
The CLM exposes a single sign on server as Identity Provider supporting the SAML2 identity protocol which can be used by CLM modules or 3rd party systems. When a back-office user logs in with a single ID and password he/she gains access to a connected system without using different credentials. The Single Sign Out scenario is supported as well.

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