New Comarch Campaign Management VersionWe are happy to announce that the Version 2.6 of our Campaign Management Software has been released. It brings key changes related to task workflows and collaboration capabilities. The newest version also includes integration with Twitter.

Here you can find the key features and enhancements introduced in this release:



New task workflow designer – the tool has been redesigned andequipped with:

  • Drag & drop capabilities to add new task types
  • Tutorial with step by step instructions
  • Horizontal view
  • Zoom in/out - with the use of scroll
  • Full screen view

Definition of task types for each period: before/during/after campaign - the user is able to design a workflow template that contains types of tasks that should be carried out before a campaign starts, during execution and after completion.

Conditions between task types (path split) - when a particular task is connected with some other tasks, it is possible to specify a "path split". The conditions allow conditional task flow based on the specific action performed during task execution.The name of the action, such as “accept” or “reject” is displayed over the line connecting both task types.

Definition of different templates for campaign types - the user is able to design a workflow template for each campaign type. This makes ot possible to assign a selected campaign type to a designed template.

Definition of task types for selected channels - the administrator can assign specific task types to selected communication channels. When the user designs a workflow template for a selected channel, only relevant task types are displayed.  

Reminders setup - The system enables reminders related to a task deadline to be set up. The user can activate/deactivate this notification.

Improved UI for workflow and task list - the task list in campaign details has been enhanced with tool tips presenting more details about each task assigned to a campaign and its stages. The summary presents the number of tasks finished, active or outstanding.



Tweet templates – it is possible to define a tweet content template that includes:

  • Text (max. 140 characters) with hashtags and a link that can be shortened
  • Image (.jpg,.png,.gif or .tiff)
  • or Video

Tweet definition & publication - allows marketers to create a new tweet from scratch or based on a selected template.A link included in the tweet content can easily be shortened. The system presents the number of characters remaining.A tweet can be published immediately on a selected Twitter account (connected with Comarch Campaign Management) or scheduled for a defined time.

 Tweet definition & publication

Planning and publication of tweets within campaign - the user can plan multi-stage campaigns that contain single, multiple or periodical tweets among other marketing activities (email, SMS, loyalty promotions).

Tweet history – presents the history of all tweets scheduled and published on all Twitter accounts connected with Comarch Campaign Management (tweets published directly with the use of the Comarch tool and created on Twitter). The history also presents basic metrics: the number of likes and retweets of each tweet.

Tweet tracking - after launching a campaign with tweets planned, the user can track the progress of their tweets’ performance. The system presents engagement metrics: number of likes and number of retweets.



Campaign filtering by department(s) - the calendar and list of campaigns has been enhanced with an additional filter called “departments”.

Assignment of department(s) to a campaign - the system allows users to assign one or more departments, which will cooperate in campaign preparation and execution.

Redesigned campaign steps – All steps of the campaign details process have been redesigned and a new style of icons and tabs has been introduced.



Definition of departments – the system provides ability todefine a list of departments, sub-departments and relevant hierarchy.It is possible to assign a selected user as a department manager. The administrator can update the existing list of departments with the use of a batch file - a specific .csv file.

Assignment of a user to a department - in user profile, the administrator can assign a user to a selected department and select him/her as a department manager.

Definition of Twitter message handler - allows the administrator to configure the message handler responsible for communication via Twitter and sending tweets via a selected Twitter account.

Maximum limit of emails sent per day  - enables definition of the maximum number of emails that can be sent (from all campaign stages) per day.

 New system notifications:

  • Daily summary with information about emails sent from a specific campaign stage (with email metrics)
  • Notification informing about campaign stage start (for all channels)



SMS/Email API SOAP – new web services for email and SMS channels have been developed.

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