Embracing Innovation at Asia Retail & e-Commerce Summit | Malaysia 2024

We’re proud to share that Comarch will be a Diamond Sponsor of 2024’s Asia Retail & e-Commerce Summit – the must-attend event for retail, FMCG, eCommerce, O2O, and Store Operations professionals.

On October 10th, 2024, over 200 industry leaders, including CXOs, Digital Transformation Directors, CTOs, and CIOs from various sectors, will get together in Malaysia to discuss future innovations in retail & e-commerce. 

As per this year’s theme of Asia Retail and e-Commerce Innovation Summit – "Embracing Innovation: Pioneering the Future of Retail” – the attendees will be sharing their insights on the latest advancements in the industry. The event is designed to foster collaboration and equip participants with innovative strategies to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving digital retail landscape in Malaysia.

Some of the main topics the summit will cover include:

  • E-commerce Evolution in Asia: Strategies for Success
  • Unlocking Retail Potential: Transform Retail Experiences
  • Redefining Brick-and-Mortar: The Evolution of Physical Retail Spaces
  • Revolutionizing Customer Experience: The Role of Technology and Personalization
  • Digital Transformation of Customer Loyalty in the Malaysian and ASEAN Retail Landscape – presentation by Comarch’s Marcin Przybylski

As a Diamond Sponsor with one of our representatives as a keynote speaker, Comarch is very excited to take part in the Asia Retail & e-Commerce Summit. We hope to use this platform to network, explore cutting-edge trends, and drive digital transformation.

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