Loyalty Personality Quiz ft. Eric Favaloro

The next edition of our weekly Loyalty Personality Quiz features Eric Favaloro – Director of Loyalty Accounts at Comarch.

➡️ How many loyalty programs do you have on your smartphone?

➡️ What engages you most as a customer – coupons & discounts or physical rewards?

➡️ Are you willing to pay for the loyalty program you’re a part of?

These are just a few of the questions we’re asking the participants of our Loyalty Personality Quiz. As you may already know, it’s a weekly challenge in which we try to determine what kind of loyal customers are the people who work in the world of loyalty.  

We have our fun and… learn more about loyalty along the way! This week, it’s with the help of Eric Favaloro, Director of Loyalty Accounts at Comarch. As a true loyalty pro, Eric knows all there is about rewards programs, but does he know how does he do loyalty himself? 

Watch the video below to find out what is Eric’s Loyalty Personality Type!

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