We are pleased to announce the launch of a virtual tour around Comarch Data Center in Cracow. Now everyone interested in Data Center services can see the place where the data is stored without need of visiting Cracow.

New multimedia presentation gives a closer look at Comarch infrastructure. There are two ways to move around the Data Center: individual  or with autopilot.

Virtual tour around the Comarch Data Center

Ryszard Kluza, BU Director Comarch ICT says that the virtual tour helps to save time of client’s who are interested in Comarch Data Center services - in the modern business time is very valuable so to meet the expectations of our customers we have prepared a virtual tour around the Comarch Data Center facilities. A potential customer who’s looking for the infrastructure solutions is able to verify our ability as a provider of IT Managed Services without going on the business trip.

Thanks to the combined spherical panoramas, it’s possible to look around in all directions, viewer can zoom in and zoom out the details which interests him. The view isn’t limited by any shot. There is also possibility of transition between the panoramas - adds Eryk Łukianiuk, Head of Network and Data Center Infrastructure.
Comarch Data Center

Comarch has 15 years of experience in delivering data center solutions. Comarch Data Centers are modern data processing and storage facilities used as an alternative for companies to expanding their IT infrastructure resources. They allow clients to benefit from the use of specially designed space, without having to build it and without creating expensive infrastructure.

Comarch has 13 Data Centers around the world, with 5 petabytes of data stored for customers in more than 50 countries.

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