Ten years of Comarch Data Center, Dresden, as a Hub for Data, IT, and Services Throughout Europe

Ten years ago, the Comarch Data Center in Dresden was inaugurated by the then prime minister of Saxony. To mark the anniversary, today's prime minister, customers, and Comarch's management board look back on achievements and plans in the region in German-speaking countries and Europe.

Dresden as the center of Europe

The Dresden data center location has been like a hub in the center of Europe for the IT service provider and software manufacturer Comarch for 10 years, according to Dariusz Biernacki, member of the board of Comarch Software und Beratung AG: 

"Data, IT, and services can be offered centrally here. The on-site offers are also deliberately aimed at EU customers. The data center was created for European customers, especially the German-speaking region. The strict rules of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), security and data protection trends, and foreign laws such as the United States Cloud Act, show that origin plays an increasingly important role. Many European companies want data center services from a European provider rather than the United States or China. This is where cloud solutions from Germany and concepts such as Cloud Made in Germany score points."

Commenting on the anniversary, Athanasios Margaritis, Managing Director of the Bröer Group and ICT and ERP customer of Comarch, said: 

"Over the past 10 years of successful cooperation, Comarch has demonstrated that it can deliver high-quality IT services in a personal, professional, and high-priority manner. The implemented solutions have already grown with the fast global development of Ebro Armaturen. We are sure the partnership with Comarch is future-oriented and adapted to our needs. We recommend Comarch solutions to any large company looking for a reliable IT partner."

Dresden has also been an essential pillar for Comarch in the network of data centers created by the group in Europe. The company's data center locations are lined up at intervals of a few hundred kilometers in Kraków, Dresden, and Lille. The range of services is just as broad, including disaster recovery centers, backups to cloud and hosting solutions. Thus, Comarch has also created diversification in its range of services. Electricity costs, for example, vary widely in different countries due to different electricity policies, and personnel costs are also different. Customers are thus put in the comfortable position of being able to choose a data center if no legal requirement for their country applies.

A hi-tech city in Silicon... Saxony 

Dresden is still attractive in many respects. For example, Comarch, a former campus spin-off, has moved to a city with many educational opportunities. The well-known Technische Universität Dresden - TU Dresden, the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft - HTW Dresden, and other research and educational institutions have provided precisely the right conditions for a research and development-driven company like Comarch. In addition, Dresden has earned a reputation as a hi-tech location. With Silicon Saxony, a well-known association is on site, which represents the companies from the IT, chips and semiconductor industries. Overall, large investments are being made in Dresden, including by technology leaders such as Bosch. 

Dresden also coordinates international projects for global players, for example when it comes to e-invoicing in Europe. In doing so, the e-invoicing team from Dresden draws on networked knowledge in Kraków to support large companies in implementing new regulations as one of the largest providers in Europe and worldwide. Comarch is well prepared for this with its own data center, in-house lawyers, and e-invoicing capacity.

Comarch has invested continuously over the past years and plans to continue its long-term commitment to the region with future investments.

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