Safety in infrastructure-related projects entails considerable expenses. We know from our own experience that projects related to the use of LAN and WAN networks as well as costs related to safety may account for 1/3 of the value of the entire investment. Customers frequently do not tend to invest large amounts of money in infrastructure. The cloud (SECaaS) is a solution.

Safety is one of the most important challenges associated with each IT infrastructure-related project. Usually, there is nothing more crucial than safety. For this reason, it is advisable to entrust this task to specialists who take care of the safety of our data in exchange for a fixed monthly fee. They comply with the applicable standards, such as ISO 27001, PCD DSS, SOX, and Solvency 2. Thanks to a fixed monthly fee, it is not necessary to update the software and thus avoid issues before the purchase and modernization of equipment.

safety in IT


Services of this sort rendered by Comarch (under the Security Operations Center) help to reduce costs related to data safety. Let’s have a look at sample parameters. As a rule, the notion of safety in the cloud is understood as two complementary solutions: web and e-mail security. Usually, in both cases the service is provided on the basis of a Service Level Agreement (also referred to as SLA). The standards are high. For instance, the provider of network safety in the cloud ensures that the protection coincides with the terms of the agreement. The average period when a file is scanned cannot exceed a specific value, usually 100 milliseconds at the most. The solutions related to mailbox protection frequently comply with even stricter standards, e.g.:

  • Effectiveness of the anti-virus software -100% both with respect to identified and unknown viruses,
  • Accuracy of the anti-virus software – only 0.0001% of incorrect virus detection,
  • Effectiveness of spam identification – 99%,
  • Accuracy of the anti-spam software – 0.0003% of incorrect spam detection.

The safety-related services provided in the cloud can be easily handled. It is advisable to use user-friendly interfaces designed in order to manage safety settings and traffic analysis. In this way, everything can be controlled – not only expenses. 

To sum up, in a world of identity thefts, scams, credit card frauds, as well as phenomena such as phishing or vishing, you can’t just ignore security. Traditional systems are obviously a very good solution, but they are relatively expensive. At the same time cloud security is a reliable, dependable and cost-effective solution.

Krystian Chorzępa, Business Solution Manager 

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