IT Outsourcing services from ComarchSchnellecke Logistics, the leading provider of logistics services specializing in the automotive industry, has contracted Comarch ICT as a provider of comprehensive outsourcing services.

Schnellecke aims to assure the greatest efficiency of its processes while at the same time providing the highest quality of logistics services. The use of cloud technology is a major step in Schnellecke’s digitization strategy.

Schnellecke has commissioned Comarch to provide IT services as Comarch’s offer and services meet our high requirements and expectations. Based on our very positive previous experience, we chose to ask Comarch to provide us with an array of additional services. Comarch assists us in implementing our digitization strategy,” says Dr Abaid Goda, Authorized Officer and Senior Manager IT – Operation at Schnellecke.

As part of Comarch’s outsourcing contract, the company has provided Schnellecke with access to PaaS (platform as a service). As a result, Schnellecke now uses Comarch’s cloud-based computing platform for web solution coders. Additionally, Schnellecke’s entire IT server infrastructure is managed at Comarch Data Center in Dresden, in line with exacting European regulations on personal data protection. The contracted services also cover a test server with a testing environment and additional servers. Comarch provides Schnellecke with access to the computing center, computer hardware, software, Internet connectivity and IT operating and administrative services (Managed Server) related to the use of an IDL app. These solutions will help Schnellecke raise its productivity significantly.

About Schnellecke

Schnellecke is a professional partner for comprehensive logistics and transport services within the automotive industry. A family enterprise, Schnellecke develops individual concepts to ensure optimum productivity and process safety, manages and optimizes data flows, prepares demand-based dispatches, delivers assembly lines in the just in time and just in sequence modes, and provides assembly and primary installation of parts.
Schnellecke has a staff of 16 000 people working in 14 countries, and acts as the perfect link between suppliers and manufacturers.

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