The European Southern Observatory (ESO), the leading intergovernmental astronomical organization in Europe, and the most effective astronomical observatory in the world, has chosen Comarch ICT services. Under the outsourcing agreement signed in October 2015, Comarch provides users with ongoing support and maintenance of the IT infrastructure.

Comarch signed two separate contracts with ESO for rendering of IT Out-Tasking services, covering the same range of IT services – one for ESO’s central headquarters in Germany and the other for facilities in Chile (all except Chajantar observatory). In the terminology used by ESO, “IT Out-Tasking services” are a comprehensive set of outsourcing services, which include ongoing support for end users, as well as maintenance of the server infrastructure and network and video conferencing systems and telephone equipment of ESO.

More information about project can be found here.


About The European Southern Observatory

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is an international organization with mainly European countries as its associates, established in 1962 in order to build and maintain astronomical observatories in the southern hemisphere. The ESO is the pre-eminent intergovernmental science and technology organization in astronomy. It carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observation facilities for astronomy to enable important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organizing cooperation in astronomical research. The headquarters of the organization are located in Garching near Munich (Germany) while most observation devices are in Chile.

More information about ESO can be found at:


About Comarch ICT

Comarch ICT consists of IT infrastructure solutions offered by Comarch for 16 years. The Comarch ICT includes many different solutions and services that have evolved over the years (Data center services, IT outsourcing and IT integration services, network solutions, telecommunication solutions, nerashoring).

More information about Comarch ICT can be found at: Comarch ICT

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