Drosed Group, Europe’s leading poultry producer, has chosen Comarch ICT services. Under the outsourcing agreement signed in 2015, Comarch provides users with data center services, ongoing support and maintenance of WAN infrastructure.

The company had looked for a technology partner that would be capable of providing data center services to a required standard and facilitate effective operation of business support systems. Comarch came also to manage Grupa Drosed’s WAN, developed technological specification and installed new edge devices and telecommunication lines at all of the customer’s locations. More information about project can be found here

About Drosed Group

Drosed Group is part of the French LDC group, Europe’s leading poultry producer that makes over EUR 3 million in annual revenues. Drosed Group is a major Polish poultry producer and an owner of brands such as Podlaski, Drosed, Zagrodowy and Drop.

About Comarch ICT

Comarch ICT consists of IT infrastructure solutions offered by Comarch for 16 years. The Comarch ICT includes many different solutions and services that have evolved over the years (Data center services, IT outsourcing and IT integration services, network solutions, telecommunication solutions, nerashoring).

More information about Comarch ICT can be found at:

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