Digital technologies offer new ways to create business models

We live and work in an era of unlimited possibilities. Digital technologies offer new ways to create business models.

Combining more than 25 years of experience with vast knowledge in telecommunications and IT, we offer comprehensive, end to end products and services based on global standards and technology partnerships with the market leaders.

We provide you with services that have been honed to the highest quality over the years. We believe in constant progress, which is why our products will grow with your company’s needs and expectations. Shape your digital future through an advanced and innovative spectrum of ICT services.

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How Can We Help? 💬

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Disaster Recovery Center

Learn how to ensure the company’s business continuity in extreme situations, while maintaining access to data, applications and key operational activities. Keep in mind that it is impossible to prevent 100% of cyber-attacks, failures or natural disasters, but there are adequate mechanisms that will help you to protect your business. That is why Archie chose solutions from the Comarch Disaster Recovery Center group.

Read our White Paper and find out what are the key benefits of implementing the Disaster Recovery Center in your company:

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Managed Multi-Cloud Services

With this video you will learn how to regain control of the multiple cloud platform environment in your company. The best way is using managed multi-cloud services from Comarch Infraspace group. The concept of this strategy is to use multiple cloud computing and storage options across several environments, provided by completely different vendors, in order to host an application or software.

Download our White Paper and find out the key benefits of implementing the Cloud Infraspace in your company

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Global Operations Center

Do not let any events disrupt operations in your company. Our solution is IT monitoring. With network and security operations centers, your business will be controlled 24/7 and provided with any help necessary.

Read our white paper Prevention is Better than Cure: Monitor and React with Network and Security Operations Center to get to know the answers to these questions

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IT Services

Learn how to regain control over your company’s IT with IT Services. Let's assume that your business is growing and has more and more departments that need to cooperate, so your business would succeed. Each branch has its own processes, as well as dedicated systems platforms, which means they require completely different IT specialists. Where do you get a wide range of specialists, keeping in mind that you cannot possibly hire few different, separate IT teams? How do you improve business processes?

Watch the video and read our White paper to learn more about IT outsourcing solutions.

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Service Desk

Customer service is one of the most important factors of running a business. When your company grows, it becomes impossible to respond to all clients’ inquiries in a timely manner. That is why we recommend a service desk solution. This is a single point of contact for end users, with high-level technology capabilities. Read our White Paper „The Important of Service Desk” to learn how it works.

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