Digital Signage is a system that broadcasts content (advertising or information) in different places at once, but is not television. The display of advertising spots, advertising campaigns and text is controlled from a single location, providing for almost unlimited possibilities.

Content that can be transmitted through the DS system is very broad: from messages welcoming guests with information about a location (e.g. at a hotel) to restaurant menus, bar promotions, information about additional services (e.g. at a hotel-type SPA), hairdressing salons, shops and current offers at travel agencies, museums, cinemas, theaters, sporting events, cultural events or even a plane or bus schedule. Digital Signs are not only used for providing advertising, such a system can effectively be use to communicate emergency evacuation instructions as well.

Conference centers are another area that benefits from DS systems. LCD monitors can be placed at the entrance of a conference center as well as inside individual conference rooms, providing information about the event currently taking place or about a conference's speakers. Live coverage of an event can also be transmitted via the DS system from a conference room to the conference's exhibition hall.

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