With the end of every calendar year comes the time for summaries and forecasts for the next twelve months. For cloud services, it is likely to be a crucial period. Particularly in certain European markets. Why? Read below.


Rapid growth

According to numerous trade reports, the market for cloud services is going to grow on a regular basis. Following the forecasts for the years 2011-2017 provided by the Gartner company, one of the leaders in technological solution research, this market will keep on growing at a fast pace as high as 20% a year. In 2012, the volume of this market was estimated to be 18.2 million dollars, but in 2017 it is expected to rise to 45.6 billion. Such rapid growth will almost certainly lead to cloud services becoming a standard solution for many enterprises in need of IT service outsourcing.   


Not only for the largest customers

Although current cloud services are primarily intended for the largest enterprises and institutions, new groups of customers will soon be more willing to use such solutions. New prospective users come mainly from small and medium-sized enterprises. In many countries, this is the biggest sector of the domestic economy, so it provides numerous opportunities. In Germany small and medium-sized enterprises account for 99% of all companies. This represents 3.6 million enterprises which create over 60% jobs domestically. Soon they are also certain to use cloud-related services.    


More applications in the cloud

According to the “Global Technology Outlook: Cloud 2014” report prepared by Barclays, in 2016 more than one fourth of all applications developed around the globe (over 48 million) will be available in the cloud. Additionally, the IDC research company anticipates that roughly 85% of current software is being designed with cloud services in mind (IDC Directions-IT Cloud Services at the Crossroads: How IaaS/PaaS/SaaS Business Models are Evolving, 2013). These data demonstrate that in the future this model will gain in popularity, and the list of applications and features available in the cloud will keep on growing. 


Time for hybrids

Public cloud computing and particular services available in a cloud provide their users with many well-known benefits. To be more specific, there are the following benefits: users do not need to transfer investment expenses, the opportunity to adapt a solution to needs (we pay only for what we use), scalability, easy access to updating and support desks. In addition, it is essential that we highlight Big Data, which ensures safety and analytical possibilities. The solutions based on public clouds (offered by service providers to various entities) and private clouds (designed to benefit one enterprise) frequently seem to be insufficient. Hybrid clouds offer new possibilities. Storing part of the information locally (e.g. customers’ sensitive data) and partly in the public clouds allows us to optimize costs and adapt to the company’s requirements and to its business background. 



More and more companies decide to choose a provider whose head office and employees are located close to the users of the solution. Nearshoring is the opposite of typical outsourcing, as part of which services were usually rendered in India or other distant states. Aside from its experience in implementing diverse projects, Comarch customers from Europe value its geographical proximity and cultural closeness. Nearshoring is becoming more and more popular, and to prove it we just need to have a look at ranking lists of the main outsourcing centers. According to the “Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations 2015” report prepared by Thalons, Cracow, where Comarch’s head office is located, comes ninth among all cities around the world. It is also the only city located in Europe which has entered the top ten. Comarch provides its services in 5 languages, and its service desk is available 24/7. Thanks to 5 Data Centers situated around the world, we can attend to customers in 50 countries. Thanks to our company, customers are provided with high-quality services at reasonable prices and do not have to deal with cultural differences.     

To sum up, in 2016 we are going to monitor the growing trend in the field of cloud services. New applications will be offered in the cloud, and new possibilities will become a fact. Service outsourcing is more and more frequently carried out in the European Union, thanks to which it is feasible to avoid various issues and problems (language, fiscal and cultural). Small and medium-sized enterprises are likely to be ready to choose such services more often in order to follow the largest companies, which have already started economizing. We do not need to convince anybody that a cloud pays off as the European Union has published a report, prepared by IDG, which shows that the cloud helps you reduce operating costs. The cost saving of 10-20% on IT services is a real opportunity. Comarch ICT follows the latest trends in order to offer their customers comprehensive products and services. Together we can develop the optimal solution.

Rafał Rudecki, Business Solution Manager 

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