Comarch has signed a framework agreement with ING Insurance International for Hosting and Managed Services of platform for core insurance systems. It is the consequence of ING Group’s process of separating ING Insurance from ING Bank that started in October 2009. As a part of this disentanglement, ING Insurance International’s companies re-host the ING core applications in Comarch’s data center.

The disentanglement will downsize the complexity of ING Group, reduce of IT operational costs and improve clients agility. Comarch helped ING Insurance to achieve these goals. The purpose of this project was, amongst others, to exchange a complete infrastructure including processing and storage capacity in a twin datacenter in Europe. This large project was divided into 2 parallels projects: a main transition project and an IT maturity adjustment programme managed by Comarch.

Comarch has run and implemented the IT maturity programme, which resulted in meeting very strict standards of ING Insurance International. The operational phase has been preceded by the analysis, knowledge transition and migration. Comarch as a new provider, is delivering hosting services for the i5/OS and AIX platform, which delivers services for 13 companies in 7 countries, migrated gradually.

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