Comarch has signed an agreement with Philips Polska on the implementation and maintenance of the Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force solution.

The Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force system will support the work of Philips Polska’s sales department in the fields of client contact, reporting visits and other sales-related activities.

“Apart from the standard functionalities of the Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force solution, support for sales networks as the key sales channel is of greatest importance for the customer. The verification of standards, along with stock and availability of products are just some of the elements reported during a sales representative’s work via this channel” - says Paweł Wawrzuta, Business Solution Manager at Comarch.

“Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force will allow us to manage the availability of our products in all sales channels easily and effectively. It is also very important for us that our employees will be able to manage their time easily, which will allow them to optimize both their routes and the number of conversations they are able to have with our partners on the market. This will translate directly into a better understanding of the needs of end users and the subsequent alignment of our offer with those requirements” – says Łukasz Mieteń, IT Manager at Philips Polska.

Comarch SFA (Sales Force Applications) are mobile and web-based solutions designed to manage and streamline the processes involved in sales. Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force is a reliable and comprehensive set of tools which helps the effective management of sales forces. It operates in both modern and traditional sales channel environments, supporting sales representatives in their daily work and assisting effective sales team management. Moreover, full integration with Comarch SFA Online Distribution creates an advanced reporting and communication platform which can be used by the manufacturer to work with their chain of distributors which, allowing the former to concentrate on sales data and optimizing the management of the entire sales network.

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