On 26-28 March 2012 in Zagreb, Croatia, the international "e-biz 2012" conference on e-business took place. The conference was organized by the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship and CASE Ltd. Comarch attended the event as a partner.

The conference brought together retailers and manufacturers, and representatives of holdings, both producers and networks.

- The conference gathered representatives of many companies affected by the recently introduced legislation on e-invoices in Croatia. We were able to share our practical experiences with Polish and Western Europe, Tomasz Kassel from PWC, a legal specialist in the field of e-invoices, also accompanied us allowing our message to be further reinforced and more reliable. The lecture brought together about 150 students and raised many questions, this should help our partner (CS Computer Systems) in the sales of Comarch EDI solutions in Croatia - says Paul Szmuksta, Comarch EDI Business Unit Director - We met with many important representatives of one of Croatia's holdings. Until now they were reluctant to cooperate with us, but it seems that there has been a breakthrough. Our partner is continuing discussions about the contract, and we support him in this process.

Comarch is a provider of EDI, which supports a community of over 15 000 companies from 30 countries. In 2011, the platform Comarch EDI processed 140 million of documents. Comarch has been listed in the Gartner report among the top EDI providers in the world.

Visit our website and learn more on www.comarchedi.pl

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