The unstable economic situation caused more and more companies to seek solutions enabling cost reduction - EDI is excellent example.

Plenty of European companies have already been operating EDI projects for several years but they concern mainly exchanging with partners, with the largest volume of documents. Yet lately you can now see that more and more companies are considering further projects with other partners with whom they exchange only a few documents, but the total number of these partners cover a significant part of the volume of documents - this allows both to optimize costs as well as be perceived as a pro-environmental business. For example, producers who already exchange electronic documents with retail chains, run the exchange of documents with the distributors of their products or suppliers of materials for their production.

To serve those companies Comarch ECOD suggests the Web-EDI solution – a solution available in 16 languages ​​and, depending on the specifics of the country, serves more than 20 types of documents and is being continuously extended. The user-friendly interface enables not only to create, send and receive documents, but also communicate and inform about the current status of the document or personalize the layout. In addition, the Web application facilitates the creation of reference documents on the basis of the received documents (doc-matching technology).

Comarch ECOD is a B2B platform serving over 13 000 entities from 30 countries.

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