The latest version of Comarch ECM was released at the end of 2011. Version 10.3 includes new functionalities, a number of improvements and a new design.

The expansion includes:
•    Comprehensive mechanisms for e-mails archiving which allow you to store and search for e-mail messages and attachments more efficiently
•    New, expanded API for the entire Comarch ECM functionality, providing quick and efficient integration with third-party systems
•    Expansions of BPM functionalities, including new types of process tasks, improved configuration, monitoring and business process capabilities
•    Improved integration with MS Office, simplifying and accelerating work with Word or Excel documents
•  Very flexible subscription mechanism which enables quick and easy implementation of the system’s expansions, either under the requirements defined by the client during the implementation, or by the client itself at a later time
•    New document browser, based entirely on AJAX technology which allows the user to view and add notes to documents in virtually any format, without the need to use dedicated manufacturer applications
•    Integration with MS Sharepoint
•    and much more

With new functionalities the integration capabilities with other systems are enhanced and the ergonomics improved. The time required to implement the solution has been reduced. Flexibility and configurability has also improved. With the new release of the application work will be quicker and easier and the new capabilities will significantly increase the benefits available to clients using our system.

Comarch ECM is an Enterprise Content Management tool which provides comprehensive control over the informational capital of the company, gathered in its business documents. This universal tool ensures capturing and archiving any documents, efficient work with documents, secure searching and support of the business processes associated with the documentation. The system has already been implemented by more than 1,000 clients in Poland and Western Europe. Clients who have chosen Comarch ECM solutions include: Carrefour, Ahold, Rohlig Suus, ING Bank Śląski, NASK and many more.

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