Polish mandatory B2B e-invoicing consultations announced

On February 9th, the Polish Ministry of Finance released the schedule for an upcoming series of public consultations addressing the postponed implementation of the B2B National e-Invoice System (Krajowy System e-Faktur, KSeF).

Nine rounds of consultations will take place from February 16th to March 1st. Each meeting will focus on a distinct topic, from system security and efficiency to implementation details and specialized introductory sessions for specific industries.

During a press briefing on January 19th, 2024, Poland’s Minister of Finance announced a postponement of the introduction of the National e-Invoice System obligation. Initially, a nationwide mandate was set to come into force on July 1st, 2024. At the same time, the ministry ordered a technical audit of the system. New deadlines are to be set according to its results.

There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Polandvisit our dedicated website and stay up to date with the new and upcoming regulations.

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