KSeF Consultations: Stakeholder Insights
The Ministry of Finance (MoF) organized a series of meetings to discuss issues related to the mandatory use of the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF). The main objective was to gather feedback from various stakeholders to ensure the smooth implementation of the obligation.
The consultations took place over two weeks, physically and online, and took the form of sectoral and technical meetings. Separate meetings were held on topics such as subcentral public administration invoice issuance and factoring processes, as well as technical or organizational issues, such as the use of KSEF ID in payments or the timeline and scope for the implementation of electronic invoicing.
Based on the consultations held, the Ministry's representatives acknowledged several comments and stated that far-reaching conceptual changes should not be expected.
Changes to the documentation are expected in the second half of March, while details of the new timetable will be announced by the end of April at the earliest, with the legislative process to follow immediately.
There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Poland – learn more about the new and upcoming regulations.