French E-invoicing Decree Enacted
The long-awaited Decree No. 2024-266 includes provisions regulating a transitional period before the e-invoicing mandate introduction as well as laws pertaining to partner dematerialization platforms (PDP) registration. The law came into effect on the 28th of March.
The most important points raised in the bill include the following:
- Establish a provisional PDP registration process for service providers, enabling registration before the public invoicing portal’s testing environment’s launch. This process shall apply even to applications submitted before the Decree’s publication;
- Adjustment of PDP and PPF testing timeline;
- Adjust the current identification guarantee level of use timeline.
These adjustments reflect earlier changes to the overall mandate’s introduction timeline and are a welcome clarification going forward with PDP solutions development.
There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in France – learn more about the new and upcoming regulations.