Australia – state of New South Wales requires government agencies to adopt e-invoicing
As part of the Digital Business Plan, the Australian government last year introduced mandatory e-invoicing for all Commonwealth agencies as of July 1st, 2022, hoping that they will be able to receive at least 80% of invoices by July 2021. A year earlier, Australia decided to adopt the PEPPOL framework for e-invoicing to improve internal processes and support small businesses.

Recently, the state of New South Wales decided to accelerate e-invoicing processes, mandating e-invoicing for all states’ governmental agencies as of January 1st, 2022, five months ahead of the rest of the country. The obligation to receive e-invoices will apply to all NSW public entities including services and goods delivery up to the value of AUD 1 million.

The mandate will help small and medium enterprises reduce payment times, cut manual errors and save a significant amount of money, as the biggest problem for SMEs is cashflow. Considering that more than four million invoices are issued to New South Wales government agencies annually, the estimated shared saving can reach AUD 70 million AUD, the ministry says.

Suppliers may choose to start using e-invoicing or continue invoicing public entities on current terms.

There’s more you should know about e-invoicing in Australialearn more about the new and upcoming regulations.

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