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Step 1: Sending an invoice to Comarch EDI created in a native format; performing invoice validation (compliance with KSeF XML) in the platform; performing business validation required by the contractor (optional); performing a conversion to the format compliant with the National System of e-Invoices.
Step 2: Performing authentication of the invoice in the National System of e-Invoices (Two possibilities: 1) authorization with the client's token 2) Comarch EDI as an authorized entity); sending the invoice to KSEF in an XML format.
Step 3: Receiving the statuses and the KSeF ID for a given invoice in Comarch EDI; optional: sending a complete package of data concerning the invoice to Comarch EDI Archive (the package includes a version of the document before conversion to KSeF XML, a structured invoice compliant with KSeF, transmission status, confirmation of invoice delivery, as well as information about the unavailability of the KSeF platform and the next invoice retransmission).
Step 4: Receiving the invoice by the recipient (after prior authentication with a token / Comarch EDI authorization) in their internal system after conversion from the KSeF XML format to the native format for this system.
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