GS1 Connect Conference in PhoenixGS1 Connect 2018 will help you shift into the fast lane, providing an engaging blend of live educational programs, industry-specific and cross-sector conference sessions, and the Standardsville Exhibit Area. Across all formats, the content is designed to put you in the lead by showcasing the benefits of applying GS1 Standards for full supply chain visibility. Comarch as a Solution Partner of GS1 in US and several countries in Europe: Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and in Spain will be one of the sponsors.


Save three days in June to gear up for success:

  • Discuss industry best practices
  • Collaborate to improve business processes
  • Strengthen your professional networks to drive innovation and growth


Who should attend

Executives, Directors, and Managers in Customer Service/Relations, Data/Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Finance, Information Technology, E-Commerce/eBusiness, Marketing, Materials Handling, Operations, Packaging, Pharmacy, Quality/Safety/Compliance, Supply Chain Management, and Transportation/Logistics.  

How Can We Help? 💬

Compliance issues? Supply chain trouble? Integration challenges? Let’s chat.

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