Netia Polska Case Study

Implementation of Comarch InterPartner Billing

Netia is a leading Polish independent, fixed-line telephony operator. It operates on the basis of its own state-of-the-art fiber-optic backbone network which covers all major Polish cities (5,000 km long) as well as using local access networks. Netia provides a wide range of fixed-line telecommunications services including voice, data transmission & Internet access, and wholesale network services. Netia‘s goal is to become the service provider of preference for broadband services, and to deliver growth by establishing the Company as the leader in the rapidly expanding Polish broadband market.

The Business Need

In 2004, Comarch signed an agreement for the delivery of Comarch InterPartner Billing system to Netia SA in Poland. The project goal was to handle Netia’s interconnect agreements and manage the end-to-end processing path: starting from data loading from mediation, rating, billing and reporting with respect to multi dial-plans, integration with GL and external sources of reference data.

The Approach

Comarch IPB is ready to handle wholesale, revenue sharing and third-party billing with the possibility to implement various business scenarios such as:

  • Per-event and summary-based processing including:
    • Statistical data-based charging
    • Bucket/quota pricing
    • One-off/recurring
  • Rating/charging based on rules
  • Usage based, non-usage basedcharging including:
    • Trunk-based billing
    • Rating calculates both revenue and cost
  • Various business scenarios including:
    • Volume discounts
    • Penalties
    • Volume commitment (send or pay)
    • Swap deals
    • Back to the first minutes, thresholds, B2FM, B2FT
    • Transit fee volume/amount commitment
    • Origin-based pricing and cost
    • Transit and termination fee split
    • Content-based billing
    • Real-bit-pipe-based billing

The Solution

The project started in November 2004 and first settlements were produced in June 2005. The implemented solution covers:

  • 300M of monthly usage data records
  • Over 40 interconnect partners

Implemented functionalities include:

  • Partner Data Management
  • Agreement Management
  • Multi-Dial Plan Management
  • Rule-based Rating and Pricing
  • Financial and Statistical Reports
  • Multi-Environment Handling (based on Flexible Data Replication tool)
  • Ready-to-use voice and non-voice services with usage based and non-usage based charges

The Results

Comarch IPB was chosen due to the fact that it is able to process millions of CDRs monthly. Comarch IPB was implemented in a timely manner and delivered a comprehensive set of functionalities, covering the current and future needs of Netia SA.

Benefits for Netia included:

  • Netia’s maintenance of a strong market position and being ready to offer new services
  • Support for many partners and increased security / control over vital and sensitive data covered by different agreements
  • One single view for all crucial data (general, addresses, financial and usage)
  • System architecture that allows integration of all the offered services, starting with cable and mobile telephony through data transmission networks, line leasing, mobile services and WLAN to IP-based services, using the likes of electronic mail, access to the Internet, VPNS, web hosting, or web farming
  • Increase of revenues thanks to the Least Cost Routing module that allows using an optimal routing table
  • Cost cutting enabled by the Rconciliation module that allows for automated dispute management

Why Comarch?

"Comarch provided us with two great aspects: a proactive approach to our needs and excellent solutions. This proactive approach enabled us to rapidly start agreements handling and Comarch solution has been recognized as extremely flexible at handling not only current needs but also new services and business scenarios within the rapidly evolving telecom market."

Robert Kipczak, Project Manager
Netia SA

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