Telecommunications as a building block of metaverse

Metaverse is the new hype, everyone is talking about the metaverse and it promises to be the next big change in the technological and virtual telecom area. Is it possible that it will be in everyone’s life?

What metaverse means for telecom businesses?

As Wikipedia defines the metaverse: “is a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets. In colloquial use, a metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection”. Starting from this definition, metaverse needs many elements to fulfill its promise and one of them is what a telco operator can offer, that in a simple way we can summarize in:
•    Offering a reliable, stable, symmetrical, low latency and private connection; whichever its name is: 5G, edge computing, analytics, AI, and so on.
•    Selling devices, such as VR, lens; that are crucial in the metaverse environment.
•    Monetize, not only the data, but the knowledge

And more important: take part! Be an actor, be a coordinator, own the importance of being a building block in the metaverse.

Modern telecom is now a virtual telecom?

This might sound easy, but telco operators need to change the way of seeing the business, expand beyond the traditional models and offer new capabilities and services. This means that they need to be part and also enable the services, by offering emerging technologies.

Since M2M, IoT and similar emerging technologies has become a reality, the world has been pushing the operators to take a different role, in not only proving the connectivity, but transforming themselves into an integrator, a full-sided actor; not all of them have achieve it. And the metaverse is a new milestone to take the next step.

Services connected with telco metaverse

To become a real player in the metaverse, telco operators need to rely on stable, trustable, automatic, flexible systems, and that is where Comarch takes also a part, by adding not only its products, but also its know-how and experience is cutting edge IT systems, that will support the journey of the telco operators in immersing into the metaverse.

Systems that can help the operators in:

  • Fast and more intelligent roll out of the networks.
  • Creating new services and products to monetize from.
  • Be agile in creating the offers and even more agile in activating those services.
  • Having a robust customer experience area, to not only enhance but transforming it into an all-around experience, that can also be ahead customer’s needs.

Comarch and its telco portfolio can take telco operators to the next level and be an active player and actor in the so called: metaverse, the 21st century new hype or can we say: lifestyle?


Yoseli Orozco

 Learn how telecoms can prepare to deploy network slicing in the first episode of this year’s Comarch campaign, entitled “Telecoms Journey Towards 5G Monetization”.

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Learn more about developing a successful 5G monetization business strategy, by viewing the latest episode in our campaign.

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