Reminisce About Comarch's Participation in the CommsDay Summit 2023
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- 3 min reading

The largest telecommunications conference in Australia, connecting operators, suppliers, and the central and state governments, took place in Sydney. The CommsDay Summit was held between May 2 and 3, 2023. Leading companies’ representatives gathered to create ideas for the future of the telecommunications industry. It was an excellent opportunity to meet with pioneer professionals and stay up to date with telco industry innovations.
The topics discussed during this conference were different from the leading issues in Europe. We appreciate the chance to gain comprehensive insight into the international market situation. Representatives of telecommunications companies focused their speeches on presenting the links between their activities and the policies of the Australian public sector. The same was true of the speeches by the government side, of which there were many, including one by the minister of communications. The close links and the guiding role of the public sector are clearly visible, which shows that the Australian market requires an individual approach.
Topics discussed during the CommsDay Summit 2023
What should we focus on in 2023? During the event, all participants could discover the most common trends. Strong emphasis was placed on sustainability and resilience in relation to telecommunications networks and services. The serious challenges that the industry and the government are addressing result from the geographical nature of Australia - a huge continent consisting mainly of desert with a relatively small population (25 million) concentrated in a few major cities, and from current global challenges. Therefore, what are the plans and ideas to respond to the growing problems facing the country’s the telco industry?
What about national roaming?
In the context of telecommunications, geography and climate problems strongly expose the issues of national roaming. Such issues include emergency roaming in order to provide basic services in the event of serious degradation of the network as a result of natural disasters. Just providing services to the population scattered across the rural areas of Australia is a real challenge, although not impossible. Hence the interest in FWA (fixed wireless access) in 5G and a shift towards nationalization of the access network and the creation of the National Broadband Network in the 2000s. This is a state-owned company maintaining and expanding the access network for users’ terminals, from which commercial operators can buy access on equal terms.
What about energy?
A very common and very important topic relates to energy, the possibility of reducing its costs, and optimizing use. Therefore, other implications include the search for solutions in the area of energy savings. Energy costs and the pursuit of climate neutrality of the network result in the search for energy-saving solutions through the use of modern technologies. The government invests its resources in energy savings not only in the telecommunications industry, but also in other sectors.
What about cybersecurity?
The last aspect of resilience is resistance to cyberattacks. Physical security and cyberattacks were discussed at the event. This is one of the most frequently discussed problems in Europe, so it was interesting to learn more about other countries’ ways to overcome challenges. Australia declares its desire to develop a strong position on the global digital economy market, hence the repeatedly emphasized need to prevent digital exclusion on a huge continent, modern education to prepare for as yet unknown professions of the future, and the development of a secure national telecommunications infrastructure as well as connections with the wider world.
Comarch at CommsDay Summit Sydney 2023
We are honored that our specialist could share his perspective on future-proof technologies that will help telco companies succeed now. Tomasz Bigoś, Customer Experience Designer at Comarch, gave a substantive presentation entitled "A Journey to the Future. Discovering Technologies of Success".
We are glad that our company caught your interest, and pleased to have been able to meet for discussions at our stand after the presentation. It is always productive to compare experiences and different views, which in combination can bring a lot of good. It is a great opportunity to shape the future of our industry together, even if we are thousands of kilometers apart.
We cannot wait to meet with you all during other events in the future!