A Synergy of Minds  and Ideas: Embracing the Shift From Telco to Techco

It's been three months since the last Comarch User Group in Kraków and I think we can sum up its effects. CUG is not only two days of intensive meetings, presentations and discussions but also the time that follows them to modify ideas in Comarch, adapt our offer to what we have learned from our clients, and create new concepts and ideas resulting from the discussions.

CUG: More Than Just Telco

Comarch is reviving the tradition of its Customer User Groups (CUGs) from the pre-pandemic era. The event has been revitalized to maintain the friendly atmosphere of exchanging experiences, discussing emerging trends in services and supporting management systems. With Comarch involved in diverse verticals, the event welcomes guests from various domains, adding to its inspiring nature. Unlike typical telecommunication meetings that focus on showcasing achievements, CUG offers insightful discussions on challenges in sectors such as banking and utilities, presenting opportunities to implement non-telecommunications solutions for BSS/OSS systems. Comparing it to the TM Forum organizing an annual meeting in Copenhagen (of course with an awareness of the scale and scope), it is not just a place to present achievements but also to demonstrate ready-made solutions.

One of the primary challenges in modern business is leveraging the opportunities and potential applications offered by artificial intelligence (AI) in all its forms, including generative artificial intelligence and machine learning. These innovative solutions should be shared widely across different domains to accelerate the development of impactful solutions. In our conversations with longstanding clients, the extensive focus on AI was evident, and it was also the central point of discussion during behind-the-scenes meetings. This is evidenced by the significant emphasis on AI in Comarch's meetings with selected clients.

A Glance at Telco Technology Trends by Comarch Partners

The aim is to create intuitive interfaces for clients, addressing a common issue across all sectors present at CUG, and to develop intuitive application control. This will benefit not only our clients but also our employees. The objective is to overcome barriers to work automation, increase operational efficiency, and reduce costs, or at least maintain them at current levels in the face of increasing challenges.

From Telco to Techco: Unlocking the Potential of 5G

And here we come to the second most popular topic of speeches and discussions. Unexpectedly, the topic of 5G technology, its implementation and monetization is not one for any single sector in Comarch. In fact, 5G technology and its possibilities of creating private network slices is a solution for many verticals as well as telco (or “techco”, which is a term increasingly replacing telco in discussions). Of course, techco dominates. It is intensively introducing and expanding 5G networks. The challenges of this relate to the large amount of new data required to deliver the promise of the technology. Verticals, on the other hand, expect greater independence from the network provider in terms of dynamic configuration change. In addition, they would like this without the need to hire expensive techco experts. These discussions are what fire up CUG participants the most. To a large extent, CUG is a unique environment for such discussions, where operators and current and future users of private networks and slices meet.

A Unique Vision of the Future

The time that has passed since the last CUG is a time of analysis, creation of concepts and adaptations. One of the visible results is the Comarch’s extensive activity in the utilities area. It turned out that the expectations in this field, and the challenges to be addressed, are very similar to the solutions built for the needs of techco (of course, after they have been appropriately adapted). This is a visible benefit for Comarch and its clients of such meetings, in contrast to strictly industry events.


Rajmund Zieliński
Rajmund Zieliński
IAA Product Manager

Having gained solid team-building and management skills in previous roles, Rajmund Zieliński brought his holistic approach to business analysis to Comarch. With a firm grounding in project implementation and transitioning and a sound understanding of the agile management philosophy, his economic and telecommunications industry expertise allow him to strike the best strategic balance that delivers on the aspirations of clients and the interests of his own organization.


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