Health & MedMal Insurance Awards: Comarch Wins the Innovation Award for eHealth Brought to the Italian Market

Comarch has received the Innovation Award for eHealth brought to the Italian market during the Health & MedMal Insurance Awards 2020. The prestigious award was presented to Kamila Niekraszewicz, Comarch Italy Country Manager, during the awards ceremony on Thursday 5 November 2020.
- We are proud to have received this award, the result of the work of the whole Comarch team in Italy, and which best represents our vision of innovation. For us, innovation is growth and development both of which must be built and stimulated every day. That applies in every area, not only in the digital world. This has been Comarch's mission since the beginning, and is a mission to which the team in Italy remains committed – a fact recognized with this award today, comments Kamila Niekraszewicz, Comarch Italy Country Manager.
Taking into consideration the world of digital health, 2020 has proved to be a complex year in which research and innovation have played fundamental roles in the management of the health crisis that public and private health structures, medical personnel, residential structures and citizens have found themselves facing since the spread of COVID-19.
The digitization of healthcare processes is proving to be the key to the sustainability of the entire national healthcare system.
- We have carried out many projects with the aim of organizing health data in a structured way, digitizing operational activities to free health personnel from manual activities that may hinder the efficacy of healthcare provision, and introducing remote communication between doctors and patients with teleconsultation, activate remote assistance and telemonitoring ecosystems for at-risk people. In the coming months, it will be crucial to manage the harmonization of all these projects according to unified regional/national guidelines, adds Simone Agazzi, Sales Director, Comarch Italy.