Comarch proudly represents Poland on the international stage in "Time" magazine

In the June issue of "Time" magazine, Comarch was described as " Comarch is a prime example of a company that has made astute use of the intellectual talent that has emerged from the country’s leading universities, and today provides cutting edge IT software and solutions to some of the world’s best-known companies." In an interview, CEO Dr. Anna Pruska discussed Comarch's role in B20/G20 activities and the company's internationally acclaimed products.
The mentioned issue of "Time" magazine featured an article about Poland as a country of innovation and opportunity. Polish universities are consistently at the top of international rankings, and their graduates are well prepared to meet the challenges of the modern world. The introduction states that Comarch is an example of a company that identifies and develops these talents.
- We still recruit many of our engineers directly from university. We have established several partnerships with universities and corporations in Poland and abroad. By simultaneously investing in R&D we have been able to consistently develop state-of-the-art products. Along with the innate entrepreneurial spirit of the Polish people, this has both helped us grow and given us our competitive edge. explains Dr. Anna Pruska in Time magazine.
The article states that Comarch, as one of the few representatives from Poland and even Europe, will play a significant role in the preparation of the final document on digital transformation that the B20 will present at the G20 Summit in the second half of this year in Rio de Janeiro.
The article also discusses Comarch's cutting-edge solutions and systems. The recently launched Comarch Open Platform allows customer administrators to create front-to-back solutions and easily extend the platform with pre-built services and integrate third-party applications. - It’s like a brand-new platform which enables banks to run their omnichannel operations and to add different modules. It allows financial institutions to build their own ecosystem dedicated to their SME client base. It also gives them the opportunity to go beyond the basic banking product’s offer and expand it with, for example, vehicle financing or business trip booking. explains Anna Pruska.
The article also mentions solutions in the area of telecommunications (BSS, OSS) and loyalty (Loyalty Marketing Platform), which are gaining the trust of customers in many countries.
Dr. Anna Pruska also emphasized that her goal is to expand Comarch's international presence. “It’s important that we gain more visibility on the global scale,” she says.