Data Center

The data center industry is booming – and growth shows no signs of slowing. In the United States alone, which makes up around 40 per cent of the global market, demand for data center facilities is expected grow 10 per cent every year until at least 2030. Against that background, investment opportunities are also emerging – along with challenges. For example, one data center run by a hyperscaler might consume as much energy as up to 80,000 homes.

Yet questions around energy consumption,  availability and the associated financial and environmental costs are not the only challenges. Data center operations and infrastructure require careful planning, development, maintenance and management.

In planning and development terms, this includes monitoring and dynamic adaptation to ensure the data center always meets requirements optimally, while maintenance requirements can cover everything from physical infrastructure to maintaining SLAs.

Artificial intelligence too is bringing challenges and opportunities for the data center industry. Along with other developing technologies in areas from streaming to self-driving cars, AI will drive not just data center demand, but also innovation. One important area where this is already happening is in energy consumption optimization.

So how do data center operators address these challenges and maximize the opportunities? Comarch has the answer.

Find Out How Comarch MTR Can Meet the Challenges of the Rapidly Expanding Data Center Industry

  • Coordinated planning and service provision: MTR allows you maintain high service levels, even when planning changes.
  • Communication and collaboration: With Comarch MTR, it’s easy to connect with stakeholders and agree on planned work, SLAs and more in a fully automated manner.
  • Automation with the human touch: Comarch MTR can operate semi or fully automatically. This means it gives you full control over decisions and policies, which AI can then put into practice.
  • Advanced rules engine: The machine learning component of Comarch MTR can dynamically modify the rules and adapt them to specific situations, while AI makes modifications on the basis of many different customizable parameters.
  • Flexibility from end to end: Comarch MTR is unique in its built-in flexibility, so you  can apply changes to processes, redefine them, and create exceptions. As already noted, the system allows automated communication and agreement about such changes.
  • Full control of service configuration: Comarch MTR collects and correlates information on the impact of planned activities, which allows manual or automatic analysis and assessment of the impact of planned works and ensures SLAs are always met.
  • Ongoing management and monitoring: Comarch MTR helps you build an expansion process taking into account actions that need to be taken in any expansion, and manages and prioritizes those actions.
  •  Advanced resource management: Data centers only run efficiently when resources are managed optimally. Comarch MTR lets you monitor resource utilization and avoid resource depletion, while ensuring appropriate planning and purchasing activities are carried out on time.
  • Perfect for all network sizes: In a small network, Comarch MTR provides everything that is needed and generates all alarms, operating without external modules to comprehensively manage all infrastructure-related processes. For larger networks MTR enriches and expands the system with appropriate modules developed with specific processes in mind.

Need to know more? Contact us now