Selected Financial Data

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Selected Financial Data

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(in thousands of PLN)
Q1-Q4 20242023202220212020
Revenue1 916 4251 815 8391 858 7151 627 1491 536 753
Operating profit (loss)101 03596 261147 606187 227191 561
Profit (loss) before income tax119 569152 315153 367174 290164 254
Net profit (loss) attributable to shareholders57 574100 608107 848123 038120 631
Total assets2 243 0432 263 8692 271 9822 110 2482 003 558
Liabilities and provisions for liabilities922 447943 673992 292912 886905 011
Non-current liabilities210 876222 518256 283244 006252 430
Current liabilities711 571721 155736 009668 880652 581
Equity attributable to shareholders1 320 7551 324 7591 277 5191 185 9121 080 039
Share capital8 1338 1338 1338 1338 133
Number of shares8 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 349
Declared or paid dividend5,004,004,003,001,50
Depreciation100 85995 72993 79692 09986 291
EBITDA201 894191 990241 402279 326277 852
(in thousands of PLN)
Q1-Q4 20242023202220212020
Revenue from sales of products, goods and materials1 341 7031 312 2731 210 6261 067 448999 401
Operating profit (loss)82 11267 31610 25867 39064 525
Gross profit (loss)125 688111 58985 65193 35393 878
Net profit (loss)112 40292 16367 40678 04880 008
Total assets1 785 5541 768 7991 656 7911 516 0751 447 977
Liabilities and provisions for liabilities542 200643 179602 732497 982498 539
Non-current liabilities50 518104 192117 30787 26896 103
Current liabilities222 609259 126207 292186 062165 331
Equity1 243 3541 125 6201 054 0591 018 093949 438
Share capital8 1338 1338 1338 1338 133
Number of shares8 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 349
Declared or paid dividend5,004,004,003,001,50
Depreciation55 64956 19752 58948 72542 974
EBITDA137 761123 51362 847116 115107 499
  • Selected annual financial data 2005-2023 PLN EUR USD (pdf)
  • Selected annual financial data 2005-2023 PLN EUR USD (excel)
  • Selected finanacial ratios 2023 (pdf)
  • Selected finanacial ratios 2023 (excel)

Selected Financial Data

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EUR exchange rate (income statement) 4,30424,52844,68834,57754,4742
EUR exchange rate (balance sheet) 4,2734,3484,68994,59944,6148
(in thousands of EUR)
 Q1-Q4 20242023202220212020
Revenue445 245400 989396 458355 467343 470
Operating profit (loss)23 47421 25731 48440 90242 815
Profit (loss) before income tax27 78033 63632 71338 07536 711
Net profit (loss) attributable to shareholders13 37622 21723 00426 87926 961
Total assets524 934520 669484 441458 809434 159
Liabilities and provisions for liabilities215 878217 036211 581198 479196 111
Non-current liabilities49 35151 17754 64653 05254 700
Current liabilities166 527165 859156 935145 428141 410
Equity attributable to shareholders309 093304 682272 398257 841234 038
Share capital1 9031 8711 7341 7681 762
Number of shares8 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 349
Declared or paid dividend1,160,880,850,660,34
Depreciation23 43321 14020 00620 12019 286
EBITDA46 90642 39751 49061 02262 101
(in thousands of EUR)
Q1-Q4 20242023202220212020
Revenue from sales of products, goods and materials311 719289 787258 223233 195223 370
Operating profit (loss)19 07714 8652 18814 72214 422
Gross profit (loss)29 20124 64218 26920 39420 982
Net profit (loss)26 11420 35214 37717 05017 882
Total assets417 869406 807353 268329 625313 768
Liabilities and provisions for liabilities126 890147 925128 517108 271108 030
Non-current liabilities11 82323 96325 01318 97420 825
Current liabilities52 09759 59744 20040 45435 826
Equity290 979258 882224 751221 353205 738
Share capital1 9031 8711 7341 7681 762
Number of shares8 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 349
Declared or paid dividend1,160,880,850,660,34
Depreciation12 92912 41011 21710 6449 605
EBITDA32 00627 27513 40525 36624 026
  • Selected annual financial data 2005-2023 PLN EUR USD (pdf)
  • Selected annual financial data 2005-2023 PLN EUR USD (excel)
  • Selected finanacial ratios 2023 (pdf)
  • Selected finanacial ratios 2023 (excel)

Selected Financial Data

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USD exchange rate (income statement) 3,98534,18234,46793,8757253,9045
USD exchange rate (balance sheet) 4,10123,93504,40184,063,7584
(in thousands of USD)
Q1-Q4 20242023202220212020
Revenue480 873434 172416 015419 831393 585
Operating profit (loss)25 35223 01633 03748 30849 062
Profit (loss) before income tax30 00336 41934 32644 97042 068
Net profit (loss) attributable to shareholders14 44724 05624 13831 74630 895
Total assets546 924575 316516 148519 766533 088
Liabilities and provisions for liabilities224 921239 815225 429224 849240 797
Non-current liabilities51 41856 54858 22260 10067 164
Current liabilities173 503183 267167 206164 749173 633
Equity attributable to shareholders322 041336 660290 226292 097287 367
Share capital1 9832 0671 8482 0032 164
Number of shares8 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 349
Declared or paid dividend1,250,960,90,770,38
Depreciation25 30822 88920 99323 76322 100
EBITDA50 66045 90554 03072 07171 162
(in thousands of USD)
Q1-Q4 20242023202220212020
Revenue from sales of products, goods and materials336 663313 768270 961275 419255 961
Operating profit (loss)20 60416 0952 29617 38816 526
Gross profit (loss)31 53826 68119 17024 08724 044
Net profit (loss)28 20422 03615 08720 13820 491
Total assets435 374449 504376 389373 417385 264
Liabilities and provisions for liabilities132 205163 451136 929122 656132 647
Non-current liabilities12 31826 47826 65021 49525 570
Current liabilities54 27965 85247 09345 82843 990
Equity303 168286 053239 461250 762252 618
Share capital1 9832 0671 8482 0032 164
Number of shares8 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 3498 133 349
Declared or paid dividend1,250,960,900,770,38
Depreciation13 96413 43711 77012 57211 006
EBITDA34 56729 53214 06629 96027 532
  • Selected annual financial data 2005-2023 PLN EUR USD (pdf)
  • Selected annual financial data 2005-2023 PLN EUR USD (excel)
  • Selected finanacial ratios 2023 (pdf)
  • Selected finanacial ratios 2023 (excel)