RB-9-2008 Contract with BIW Koncept Sp. z o.o. (Limited Liability Company)

Pursuant to &5 sec. 1 pt. 3 of the Regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on 19 October 2005 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange, the Management Board of ComArch S.A. announces that on 17 April 2008, a contract between ComArch S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the "Comarch") and BIW KONCEPT Sp. z o.o. (Ltd) with its registered seat in Krakow (hereinafter referred to as the "Koncept") was signed.

Within the framework of the contract, Comarch will deliver computer hardware and software till 7 June 2008. The gross value of this agreement amounts to 53,183,000.06 PLN.

The following cases that may cause payment of contractual penalties by Comarch are considered in the agreement:
-delay in the contract execution due to the fault of Comarch may result in contractual penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the gross value of the contract's subject which was delivered against the contract (for each day of delay),
-exceeding 3-day period for delivery completion due to the fault of Comarch may result in contractual penalty in the amount of 0.1 % of the gross value of contract's subject which was delivered against the contract (for each day of delay),
-when a contracting party withdraw from the contract (that is when other contracting party does not fulfil the contract due to reasons for which is responsible), other contracting party will pay contractual penalty in the amount of 10% of the total gross value of the contract (it does not exclude a possibility of suing for damages on general principles), 
-contractual penalties do not exclude a possibility of suing for damages on general principles.
The value of the company's total equity constitutes the significant agreement's criterion.