RB-7-2010 Credit Agreement with Bank DnB NORD SA

Pursuant to Art. 56, sec. 1 of the Act concerning public tenders, the terms for introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange, as well as public companies, and in relation to current report no. 26/2009 dated the 16th of November, 2009, the Management Board of ComArch S.A. announces that on 28th of April, 2010 it signed a credit agreement with Bank DnB NORD Polska S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw, for the financing of the fourth construction stage of production and office buildings in the Special Economic Zone in Krakow. The credit amounts to a maximum of 80% of the investment value of up to 20 million PLN. The crediting period may last 11 years at a variable interest rate and should be taken out by 30th of September, 2011. The real estate mortgage, cession of rights in the building insurance policy and cession of rights in the bank guarantee issued for the debtor are security for this credit.