RB-6-2014 Execution of the Managerial Option Program

Pursuant to Art. 56, sec. 1, point 1 of the Act concerning public tenders, the terms for introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange, as well as public companies, the Management Board of Comarch S.A. announced that acting in execution of the Resolution no. 36 of the Annual General Meeting of Comarch S.A. of the 26th of June, 2013, regarding the managerial option program for members of the Comarch S.A. management board who manage the company and the Capital Group, on the 16th of February, 2015, the Supervisory Board of Comarch S.A. passed the Resolution no. 01/02/2015 on execution of the managerial option program for 2014, by way of issuance of 7,759 (in writing: seven thousand seven hundred fifty-nine) ordinary bearer series L1 shares, of nominal value of PLN 1 (in writing: one zloty) and issue price of PLN 1 (in writing: one zloty) each, excluding a stock right of the current company’s shareholders. Shares will be offered to the entitled persons according to the provisions of the managerial option program for members of the Comarch S.A. management board who manage the company and the Capital Group, passed with Resolution no. 36 of the Annual General Meeting of the 26th of June, 2013.