RB-5-2007 Board of Supervisors\' Resolution No. 1/3/2007 Changing a Resolution No. 1/2/2007 Dated 12 February 2007 concerning Execution of Managerial Option Programme

Pursuant to Art. 56 sec. 1 pt 1) of the Act concerning public tenders, the terms of introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange as well as public companies, ComArch S.A.'s Management Board announces that on 14 March 2007 the company's Board of Supervisors passed a resolution no. 1/2/2007 concerning changes in a resolution no. 1/2/2007 dated 12 February 2007 concerning execution of managerial option programme (the company announced that in current report no. 4/2007).

In relation to the decision of the Board of Supervisors that fractional parts of the shares' numbers are eliminated, 441.826 (in words: four hundred forty one thousand eight hundred twenty six) series I2 ordinary bearer shares will be issued, of nominal value of 1 PLN and issue price of 1 PLN. These fractional parts of the shares' numbers result from applying the assumptions that are established in a resolution no. 51 of the Ordinary General Meeting dated 30 June 2005 concerning passing the managerial option programme for members of the Board and key employees.