RB-48-2007 Purchase of Investment Certificates

ComArch S.A.'s Management Board announces that ComArch S.A. has made an investment in investment certificates of a closed investment fund FORUM I (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund").

Due to that fact on 24 October 2007 ComArch S.A. purchased four investment certificates of the Fund worth 250,000.00 PLN each. The total value of the purchased investment certificates amounted to 1,000,000.00 PLN. They constitute 100 % of investment certificates issued by the Fund and entitle to 100 % of votes at meeting of the Fund's investors. ComArch S.A. purchased the above-mentioned investment certificates with internal means.
Purpose of the Fund is investment activity in the scope of new technologies and Internet services that are not ComArch S.A.'s basic activities. The first undertaking financed by the Fund will be creating a company that will store electronic health records.