RB-43-2024 Receipt of Notifications of Change in the Total Number of Votes and Share Capital of Comarch S.A.

The Management Board of Comarch S.A. hereby informs about receiving on the 4th of December, 2024, from Chamonix Investments S.à r.l., Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o., Elżbieta Filipiak, Anna Pruska, Michał Pruski, Maria Filipiak, Janusz Jeremiasz Filipiak and Anna Prokop, hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Parties to the Agreement" and Chamonix Holdings S.à r.l., Chamonix Holdings Jersey Limited, CVC Capital Partners IX (A) L.P. as entities directly/indirectly dominant over the following Parties to the Agreement – ​​Chamonix Investments S.á r.l. and Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o. – in such a way that: (i) Chamonix Holdings S.á r.l. is the sole shareholder of Chamonix Investments S.á r.l., and indirectly the parent entity of Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o., (ii) Chamonix Holdings Jersey Limited is the sole shareholder of Chamonix Holdings S.á r.l., and indirectly the parent entity of Chamonix Investments S.á r.l. and Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o., (iii) CVC Capital Partners IX (A) L.P. is the direct parent entity of Chamonix Holdings Jersey Limited, and indirectly the parent entity of Chamonix Holdings S.ár.l., Chamonix Investments S.á r.l. and Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o., hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Dominant Entities", notifications of changes in the share in the total number of votes and the share capital of Comarch S.A. 

Pursuant to art. 69 sec. 2, in conjunction with art. 87 sec. 1 item 5 in connection with art. 87 sec. 1 item 6 and art. 87 sec. 3 of the Act of the 29th of July, 2005, on public offering and conditions for introducing financial instruments to an organized trading system and on public companies (“Public Offering Act”), as part of the notifications made, the following was reported: a change in the previously held share in the total number of votes at the Company’s General Meeting by at least 1% by Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o. (and indirectly by the Dominant Entities).

On the 29th of November, 2024, a squeeze-out circular was published regarding a squeeze-out (compulsory buyout) announced by the Parties to the Agreement and covering the Company’s shares held by the Company’s shareholders other than the Parties to the Agreement (the “Squeeze-Out”).

On the 4th of December, 2024, as a result of the Squeeze-out, Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o., as the purchaser of shares under the Squeeze-Out, purchased 160,003 shares in the Company representing in aggregate 2.00% of the Company’s share capital and carrying the right to 160,003 votes in total, representing in aggregate 1.09% of the total number of votes in the Company (the “Acquisition of Shares under the Squeeze-Out”). The price of one share in the Company acquired under the Squeeze-Out was PLN 332.20.

The Acquisition of Shares under the Squeeze-Out changed the number of shares in the Company held jointly by the Parties to the Agreement – as at the date of this notification, the Parties to the Agreement jointly hold 8,133,349 shares of the Company (including (a) 1,748,400 registered super voting preferred shares and (b) 6,384,949 ordinary bearer shares) carrying the right to 15,126,949 votes in total, representing in aggregate 100.00% of the Company’s share capital and 100.00% of the total number of votes in the Company.

The Acquisition of Shares under the Squeeze-Out changed the number of shares in the Company held individually by Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o.

Following the Acquisition of Shares under the Squeeze-Out:

(1) Elżbieta Filipiak holds in aggregate 846,000 registered super voting preferred shares (each such preferred share holding five votes) carrying the right to 4,230,000 votes, representing 10.40% of the Company’s share capital and 27.96% of the total number of votes in the Company;
(2) Anna Pruska holds directly 297,667 registered super voting preferred shares (each such preferred share holding five votes) carrying the right to 1,488,335 votes, representing 3.66% of the Company’s share capital and 9.84% of the total number of votes in the Company;
(3) Michał Pruski does not hold any shares in the Company; 

(4) Maria Filipiak holds directly 297,666 registered super voting preferred shares (each such preferred share holding five votes) carrying the right to 1,488,330 votes, representing 3.66% of the Company’s share capital and 9.84% of the total number of votes in the Company;
(5) Janusz Jeremiasz Filipiak holds directly 297,667 registered super voting preferred shares (each such preferred share holding five votes) carrying the right to 1,488,335 votes, representing 3.66% of the Company’s share capital and 9.84% of the total number of votes in the Company; 

(6) Anna Prokop holds directly 9,400 registered super voting preferred shares (each such preferred share holding five votes) carrying the right to 47,000 votes, representing 0.12% of the Company’s share capital and 0.31% of the total number of votes in the Company; 

(7) Chamonix Investments S.à r.l. (i) is not a shareholder of the Company and does not hold directly any of its shares, (ii) holds indirectly (through Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o.) 6,384,949 ordinary bearer shares carrying the right to 6,384,949 votes in total, representing in aggregate 78.51% of the Company’s share capital and 42.21% of the total number of votes in the Company;

(8) Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o. holds directly 6,384,949 ordinary bearer shares carrying the right to 6,384,949 votes in total, representing in aggregate 78.51% of the Company’s share capital and 42.21% of the total number of votes in the Company.

Following the Acquisition of Shares under the Squeeze-Out, each Parent Company holds indirectly 6,384,949 ordinary bearer shares carrying the right to 6,384,949 votes in total, representing in aggregate 78.51% of the Company’s share capital and 42.21% of the total number of votes in the Company.

Chamonix Investments Poland sp. z o.o., as (i) a direct subsidiary of Chamonix Investments S.à r.l., being a Party to the Agreement, and (ii) an indirect subsidiary of each Parent Company, holds directly 6,384,949 ordinary bearer shares carrying the right to 6,384,949 votes in total, representing in aggregate 78.51% of the Company’s share capital and 42.21% of the total number of votes in the Company. Subsidiaries (if any) of the other Parties to the Agreement hold no shares of the Company.

The content of the notifications received is attached.


